
Kevin Bi

Board Emeritus

Applied Math, Currier 2021

I'm interested in using data and technology to better understand the world around us. I was the president of HODP for the 2019-2020 academic year. When I'm not analyzing data, I like to go for walks, play board games with friends, and browse Reddit.

Latest Work

Blog posts

What will Harvard students do this Fall?

Responses to the Fall 2020 policy and plans for the uncertain future.

Harvard in the Age of COVID-19

Three surveys, one very unusual semester.

Do Police Protests Work?
Do Police Protests Work?

A data-driven analysis of police violence and activism

POLL: Harvard students sharply divided on Crimson-ICE controversy

Where Harvard students stand on the conflict between the Harvard Crimson and ICE

Harvard Student Opinion on the Second Democratic Debate

Watching the Democratic debate this week? Here’s what Harvard students thought of the last one.

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