
Past projects

The exterior of Quincy Stone Hall. (Photo and caption credit: Gladys Kisela for the Harvard Crimson)
Literally Nobody Voted in the Quincy Midterm Elections

And more on the shockingly low turnout in the UC midterm elections.

Spirited members of Currier House gather in front of University Hall on Housing Day. (Photo and caption credit: Lauren A. Sierra for the Harvard Crimson)
Why The Harvard Housing Lottery Might Not Be Random

Size matters, along with many other factors…

Cabot House residents gather outside University Hall on Housing Day. (Source)
Harvard’s Most (and Least) Desired Houses: Housing Day 2017

A data-driven look at the House preferences of the Class of 2020

SixteenThirtySix: Our Analysis

Thoughts on the 2016 UC election results.

SixteenThirtySix: Making Our Prediction

SixteenThirtySix's prediction for the 2016 Undergraduate Council election.

SixteenThirtySix: Predicting Harvard Elections

A new project, SixteenThirtySix, will be the first to predict results of student government elections at Harvard.

Fooducation: Food Waste Project Kick Off

Ideas for tackling food waste at Harvard.

Textbook Transparency: Estimating Textbook Costs for Students

A project to estimate textbook costs using data and help students save money.


We built a a student-driven wiki with information about Harvard’s student organizations, dining halls, and campus life. It's a living document — anyone with a @college email address can register to contribute!

COVID-19 Dashboard
COVID-19 Dashboard

Kevin, our tech director, built an interactive dashboard to visualize the spread of COVID-19.

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